Friday, August 26, 2011

Organic Farmshare-Why Everybody Needs to Own a Local Organic Farm

Current conventional farming methods employ a host of practices and synthetic chemicals to produce our food at the cost of destroying the very source of that food: our soil and waterways. The impacts on our health from the long-term consumption of nutritionally depleted, chemically grown and processed food are also becoming increasingly evident.

Our soils are being propped up with fertilisers produced from fossil fuels. The food that is grown in these depleted and chemically laden soils comes nowhere near to providing the nutrients that we need for health, reproduction and longevity.

A massive 60% of our food costs goes directly into distribution and handling. In other words, $60 out of every $100 you spend on food goes on getting that food from the farm to your plate.

Organic Farm Share is a local food system that utilises regenerative and integrated farming practices, which return necessary nutrients back into the soil. This is achieved through organic farming, polyculture planting, the use of beneficial bacteria, animal integration, and localised compost systems.

Through Organic Farm Share’s unique and localised distribution system, food-miles and packaging are significantly reduced. Your food is brought directly to you from the farm ensuring fresher healthier food, a substantial financial saving, and regeneration of the environment.
Our farm is situated in Northern NSW 14km south of the Queensland border. Our organic farm will service owner-members in the Byron Bay, Gold Coast and Brisbane areas with our unique organic food delivery system.

Organic Farm Share blends a unique form of enterprise with the values of a co-operative. Taking back the control of our food supply and establishing regional food security can only be truly achieved through participation, or more specifically, ownership. If we own the business that owns the land where our food comes from, we are directly connected to our food supply, and many of the existing barriers to establishing a successful local food system are eliminated.

Participation and its benefits

We currently (1 August 2011) have 148 owner-members and as membership is limited we will close the first stage of our offer on 20 October this year.
Organic Farm Share, the first of its kind, is a publicly owned farm project with
the aim of ensuring food security for our community, the regeneration of land,
and positive financial returns to our owner-members.

Whilst there are numerous environmental, health and social benefits to
participating in Organic Farm Share there are also a number of personal ones.

By joining Organic Farm Share, you gain :
·         pride in ownership of a regenerative enterprise
·         partnership in an enterprise that contributes to the local economy and employment
·         a place you can visit, stay and enjoy with your family and other owners
·         a share that can appreciate in value
·         the convenience of buying your groceries from one place (one stop shopping)
·         a 5% - 7% rebate of all purchases annually & profit share
·         supply of a comprehensive variety of organic food at the best prices.
Where to from here
If you would like to know more, come along to one of our Kitchen Table
Talks. A list of them can be found on our website at :
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in any of the following ways :
Telephone : 07 5630 3891 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            07 5630 3891      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email :

Fasting and Colonics: The 7 Day Detox Program

“Purging the bowels eliminates the source of poison, thereby permitting blood and energy to regenerate naturally. By cleansing the bowles we repair the body” Chai Yu-hua
You will need…..
* Psyllium seed husk (intestinal Cleanser)
*Bentonite (removes toxins from your entire digestive tract)
*Supplement-Organic Super Greens (wheatgrass, spirulina, barley, chlorella) or greenlife (wheat, oat, rye and barly grasses)
Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time.There are many different ‘Fasts’ out there; water fasts, juice fasts, the lemon/maple syrup/cayenne fast, raw milk only fast, rice only fast etc. Why fast?
Daniel says that the modern lifestyles put tremendous toxic strain on our vital organs and glands. The stomach is perpetually stuffed with denatured foods taking in incompatible combinations, the liver is swollen and strained with the effort of breaking down massive intakes of proteins and fats as well as drugs and poisons, the pancreas balloons to abnormal size owing to the constant demand for digestive enzymes to process enzyme-less foods, and the colon gets lined with layer upon layer of glue like crud that poisons the bloodstream.
Of all the vital organs in the body, the one that suffers the most abuse from modern dietary habits is the colon.
The following "Fasting and Colonics" excerpt is from the The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity:
Fasting and Colonics
If you stand long and still enough near rivers, lakes and ponds where herons and similar long-beaked birds fish and feed, you will notice a curious habit.
From time to time, a heron will suck up a beak full of water, twist its neck around and insert the beak into its own anus, squirting the water deep into its bowels to flush out the putrid debris and other residue from its fish-based diet.
Who taught these birds to do that? Nature did... and a Taoist respects no teacher more than nature.
The very sound of the word colon prompts embarrassment these days. Many people can't even bare to look at a picture of a colon, let alone talk about their own. Suggest that someone run 5 gallons of warm water through it, and embarrassment turns to suspicion or sheer panic.
American doctors are reluctant even to discuss the matter, and they flatly refuse to administer colonic irrigations to patients on request. They believe, as one New York physician put it, colonics 'went out with the horse-and-buggy' a century ago.
American doctors also reject nutritional therapy, herbal remedies, fasting, therapeutic breathing, meditation and other 'outdated' methods that they no longer understand, nor want to understand.
In Russia however, it remains standard procedure in all hospitals and clinics to administer a thorough colonic cleansing to all patients, regardless of their ailments, immediately upon entering any hospital. Russian physicians realize that no cure for any ailment can be properly administered to a filthy, highly toxic body, which simply cannot assimilate and utilize medications.
Nor does a body devitalized by chronic toxemia have sufficient strength and energy to fully recover from such radical procedures as anesthesia, surgery and chemical therapy.
As a case in point for colonics, take pneumonia. At the turn of the century, before cancer and heart disease replaced it, pneumonia was the biggest killer in America.
Back then, Dr. J.H. Tilden of Denver, Colorado, who specialized in pneumonia and treated more patients for this disease than any other physician on record, never lost a single patient to this dreaded ailment. He achieved his remarkable record by relying entirely on fasting and colonic irrigations, followed by strict diets of raw natural foods. Today, pneumonia still takes a heavy toll among the elderly and weak, despite all the modern drugs used to treat it.
In 1935, at the age of 40, V.E. Irons suffered from a rare and extremely painful form of arthritis now known as 'ankylosing spondylosis'. This condition is caused by unassimilated calcium (such as that from pasteurized milk) being deposited on the spinal vertebrae, where it gradually builds spurs that cause the entire spine to stoop forward, until, after 10-20 years, the victim is bent over double for life.
Having been told that there is no cure, Irons went off to research his conditions on his own, and, like anyone else who looks hard and long enough for the real source of chronic degenerative disease, he found it lurking in his own clogged colon. As he recalls:
"Within two months I had no more pain from displacement and with 14 months practically no spurs. All done with home colonics, fasting and natural food- no drugs!"
 Colonic must not be confused with enemas. At best enemas flush out the rectum and a small part of the descending colon; but they do nothing for the transverse and ascending portions where years of afoul debris, toxic waste, and impacted feces have accumulated. Enemas can also be a real mess to handle.
Colonics, on the other hand, send water coursing all the way through the entire length of the colon in a continuous flow, gently.
So, if you wish to rid yourself of he 5-15 pounds of hard, rubbery, toxic waste impacted in your colon owing to a lifetime of wrong eating habits, and simultaneously eliminate the source of most of your chronic ailments, discomfort and fatigue, while also preserving youthful vitality and prolong your life, order a Colema Board.
The 7 Day detox fasting and colon cleansing programme
This is an integrated system of self-purification that combines the benefits of fasting, fibrous intestinal cleansers, nutritional supplements and daily colon irrigations. It is complete program of blood and tissue detoxification that rejuvenates each and every organ, gland, tissue and cell in the body.
Why seven days? Seven is a sort of 'magic number' throughout the realm of nature.
Women's menstrual cycles occur in four units of seven, as does the moon orbit around the earth.It takes exactly seven days to cleanse the entire bloodstream by fasting, and it requires seven days to thoroughly rid the lymph of toxins.On a larger scale, it takes seven months to balance the endocrine system through proper nutrition and exercise and seven years to replace every cell in the body.
This particular program was developed by V.E.Irons, who explains it as follows:
"For seven days, you eat nothing at all, but you won't feel hungry because you take an intestinal cleanser. This is a powder that's ground from a special grade of Psyllium seed. The cleanser clings to the colon walls, holds moisture there, and softens and loosens the waste matter. Add to that the herbal cleansing supplements that break down the mucus that lines the stomach walls, the duodenum, the small intestines and the colon, plus colonics which flush it all out of the body, and you have the essence of this program.
The Intestinal Cleanser (Psyllium seed husk) should be taken five times a day, every three hours. You put a heaping teaspoon of Cleanser in a jar with a good tight cover. Add ten ounces of water, with a little bit of your favourite fruit or vegetable juice for flavour.
You also add a tablespoon or two of another product called Bentonite, which is made from volcanic ash. Bentonite is like a magnetic sponge that removes toxins from your entire digestive tract. Shake the mixture well and drink it. Then follow it with a glass of water.
A seven day fast sounds severe, but it’s really not too bad because the intestinal cleanser swells up in your system, so that you feel full. Also you take tablets of a supplement called Greenlife (you can also use Organic Supergreens), which is concentrate of the juices of wheat, rye, oat and barley grasses."
During the 7-day fast with nutritional supplements and intestinal cleansers, you administer to yourself two 5-gallon colonics per day on the colema board, which works entirely by gravity, not pumps or attend a colonic irrigation clinic.
To the 5 gallons of warm (100-105°F) water you add some strong boiled coffee, which stimulates the bowels' natural peristaltic contractions and contains acids that help throw out mucus and cleanse the colon wall.
If you are overly sensitive to caffeine, you may substitute fresh garlic juice, fresh lemon juice, or Bentonite or Epsom salts.
The Intestinal Cleanser and the Bentonite are remarkably effective cleansing agents. Powdered Psyllium seed husk is almost 100 percent pure fibrous bulk. It is not absorbed or digested but instead expands in the gut and dredges your bowels of debris as it passes through. When it reaches the colon, the warm water from the colonics helps it loosen impacted toxic wastes from the colon wall and propel it out through the rectum.
Bentonite, which is derived from volcanic ash, contains an ingredient called montmorillonite, a molecule of which is 1/500th the size of a water molecule and carries a negative charge that is 200 times greater than its positive charge. It's minuscule size enables it to reach into nooks and crannies of your tissues that even water cannot penetrate, while its strong negative charge enables it to pick up 200 times its own weight in toxic positive ions. As we have seen, pollutants always take the form of big, bulky positive ions, and these are readily neutralized by active negative ions. Bentonite works in the bowels along with the Psyllium seed powered, but it also enters the bloodstream to neutralize and facilitate rapid elimination of the toxic wastes that enter the blood from the cells.
Some advocates of fasting, such as Paul Bragg, do not recommend colonics or any supplements whatsoever during cleansing fasts. Instead, they advise nothing but distilled water. However, four, five, or maybe six water fasts are required to remove the same amount of toxic waste from the colon as one fast supplemented intestinal cleansers and colonics.
·         The first day is simple. It takes at least 24 hours for the body to commence detoxification and start pouring toxins into the bloodstream for elimination.

·         The second & third days are the most difficult. By then you bloodstream will be carrying up to ten times its normal load of toxins, as the entire body excretes accumulated poisons into the blood for disposal. You will feel weak, fatigued, stiff, light-headed and perhaps nauseous, much like a heavy hangover.This is not due to nutritional deficiency, so do not make the most common mistake of first-time faster, which is to break the fast prematurely by eating something to 'pick you up'.The moment you eat something, the unpleasant symptoms of detoxification disappear- not because of the nutrients in the food but because the food signals the body to halt the detoxification process and gear up for digestion and metabolism instead.The worse you feel during the first three days, the more toxic are your tissues, and the better the programme is working. Hang in there and you will soon feel better than ever!

·         During the first fast with colonics, the first two or three days often fail to produce the dramatic evacuations of foul toxic wastes expected.That's not because your colon is clean, but because the dried mucus and toxins are so deeply impacted in the folds of your colon that it takes six to eight colonics just to start jarring them loose. One of Ions most severe cases failed to evacuate anything of significance through four full 7-day programs, but then on her fifth fast an avalanche of black hard poisons came pouring out with every colonic. Generally, you will start passing these toxified encrustations of mucus on the fourth or fifth day and continue to do so till the end of the cleanse. This deathly junk is collected in a colander under the colemna board, and you should carefully inspect it after each session. By seeing what comes out of you each time, you will be strongly motivated to continue through to the end of the program.

·         If by the seventh day you are still expelling a lot of waste, you may choose to continue the program for up to 10 days, or else stop and wait for your next cleanse. Do not attempt to fast more than 10 days by yourself until you have done at least half a dozen 7-10 day fasts. The less toxic your system becomes, the easier it is to maintain fasting, and longer periods of healthy therapeutic fasting.

·         Don't expect to get everything out during the first cleanse. It takes about four 7-day programs, with mini-fasts in between and careful attention to diet and lifestyle to effect a thorough cleansing of the colon and completely detoxify the tissues.One Master Faster recounts how, after five years of four annual 7-day fasts, he went on a 10-day fast, on the seventh day of which "I had a terrific bowel evacuation, and at the end of this evacuation, I felt a heavy cool sensation in my rectum and out passed a third of a cup of quicksilver [mercury] from the Calomel [a medication] that I had taken during my childhood". When it comes to purifying your body from a lifetime of self-pollution, "once is not enough!"

·         If you are afraid to administer your own colonics with the colema board, then look for a qualified colonic therapist and have him perform the first series for you in a clinic. After that you will realize how easy and safe it is and you can do the next series at home.

·         The programme is safe and effective for children, women, and the elderly. For children aged 4-10, cut the dosage of supplements and intestinal cleansers by half.

·         Consume no solid food whatsoever during the programme. Except for an ounce or two of juices to make your intestinal cleanser mixture more palatable, avoid all solid foods. Besides cleansing your colon, you will want to give all your digestive organs and all your vital glands a complete 7-day rest so that their tissues may be detoxified and their damaged cells replaced. If you 'cheat', you'll only be cheating yourself.

·         Excessively obese and/or chronically ill persons should not attempt a 7-day fast the first time. Such persons are so permeated with toxins that a 7-day fast would raise the toxin levels in the blood to dangerous or even fatal levels.

·         Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemia, Wilson's disease, severe CBS, degenerative AIDS, or surgery recovery victims should not engage in this kind of cleansing. Over 65 should also not do this programme.

·         If you feel that your body is extremely polluted with poisons, start out with several 3-day fasts spread over a period of 3-4 months, with a diet of mostly raw vegetarian foods in between (at least 50% of your food intake). This programme will detoxify your tissues sufficiently for you to tolerate a complete 7-day fast.

·         Everyone should always use the internal intestinal cleansers AND administer home colonics during their fasts to facilitate rapid excretion of poisons. Colonics flush the accumulating toxic debris immediately out from your system.

·         Break any cleansing fast with first fruit, one type only, and then a light meal of raw vegetables, especially carrots, cabbage and lettuce, followed a few hours later with either some fresh mild fruit again (apple, grape, watermelon, pear, etc., but no dried fruits or oranges) OR a couple of lightly steamed vegetables, such as squash, tomato, string beans. If need be, however it would be preferable to avoid, have a few slices of well-toasted whole-grain bread with a little bit of nut butter but no dairy butter. Thoroughly toasting bread coverts much of the hard-to-digest starch into readily digestible sugars. Brown rice and a nice salad would be preferable to any toast.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sugar Poison and How to Avoid It

By Eeka King B.H.Sc (Acup)
As a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner I often give people some dietary and lifestyle advice as an adjunct to their treatment. It gives the patient the opportunity to take some responsibility of their health and also greatly enhances the good work we are doing with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Diet and lifestyle factors have a big impact on the state of our health and wellbeing (along with constitution, emotions, environmental factors etc) and can contribute too many of our imbalances and diseases. One of the most common dietary changes I encourage people to make is to avoid/reduce refined & processed sugar or artificial/synthetic sweeteners and to only choose natural whole sweeteners. Below I will have a look at why sugar is so bad (I would go so far as to say evil) for the body and give you some better sweet options.
Commercial sugar as we know it comes in many forms with varying degrees of processing and refining. Basically sugar comes from the sugar cane; the cane juice is stripped of its molasses content (the dark rich part which is full of vitamins, minerals and is extremely high in iron), then heated at extreme temperatures which kills the enzymes and everything that’s good about it. That is what is called raw sugar. The processing continues from there with more refining with chemicals such as sulphur dioxide, lime, phosphoric acid, bleaching agents & viscosity reducers to get white sugar and then more processing to get castor sugar and then more again for icing sugar. Brown, turbinado or demerara sugar is simply refined, processed sugar with some of the original molasses added back into it (unfortunately, still bad for you). When natural sugar is refined and concentrated, the life force is dispersed and the natural balance upset.
Refined sugar is an evil poison that creates havoc in the body. Only during the last century has man’s diet included a high percentage of refined carbohydrates (sugars and flours). The amount the average westernised person consumes per day is astonishing. You only have to take a look into any supermarket aisle to get a good idea-it’s in everything. In nature, sugars and carbohydrates (the energy providers) are coupled with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein, fat and fibre and support life due to its body building and digestion enhancing components. Digestion of refined sugar (along with refined flour) is detrimental to life because it draws on the body’s own store of vitamins, minerals and enzymes for proper metabolism. Slowly and slowly you are robed of your good health.
Sugar heats the body up, suppresses the immune system, interferes with and lowers absorption of vitamins and minerals (especially calcium, magnesium & vitamin E), destroys fertility and feeds cancer cells and Candida. Sugar is one of the biggest contributors to all of our modern dis-eases. Coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, weight gain and obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis etc have a direct link to sugar consumption. Sugar creates mood swings, hyperactivity, poor concentration and ADHD in children as well as allergies and eczema. Sugar damages the internal organs and can cause hormonal imbalance, periodontal disease, tooth decay and premature aging. Once refined, sugar is no longer a food- it becomes a highly addictive drug.
“The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree.” - William Dufty, Sugar Blues.

Natural sweeteners may be defined as a product that comes from nature that hasn’t been altered terribly and which the nutrients have not been removed, or the nutrients may be even more concentrated due to boiling down and evaporation. Therefore, if you are going to consume a sweetener, it is best if it comes from the fruit, herb, or vegetable kingdom and be as raw/living as possible (not overheated, and not overly processed) for optimum health.

Rapadura Sugar- Dehydrated cane juice granules                 
Rapadura sugar (Gur in India), is unrefined dried cane juice which is made by simply evaporating the water from the whole sugar cane juice. This whole sugar is actually highly mineralised and nutrient dense and has a balanced reaction in the body. It has a gorgeous golden colour and a unique caramel flavour. It is the perfect product for baking and the sweetening of food and drinks. Simply substitute 1 cup of rapadura for 1 cup of other sugars (e.g. white/raw/brown) in any recipe. You can buy it from most health food stores.
Raw Honey has many amazing health benefits. When it has not been heated it is loaded with amylases, nutrients and enzymes that digest carbohydrates. So it is also best to only use it in desserts that do not require heating.
Maple Syrup
The concentrated sap of huge deciduous trees, maple syrup is rich in trace minerals, brought up from below the ground by the tree’s deep roots. It imparts a wonderful flavour to cream based desserts and may be used in baked goods such as muffins and pancakes. Make sure you buy the real maple syrup (it is quite expensive) and not the common one as it is only flavoured sugar with a plethora or other nasties.
Stevia is a highly sweet herb derived from the leaf of the South American stevia plant and can be used by those who have sensitivity even to natural sweeteners. A little goes a very long way- a pinch of stevia is equal to a spoonful of sugar. As it does not add bulk, it is difficult to use successfully in baked goods; but is a good sweetener for salad dressings, whipped cream and pie crusts etc.
Other sweeteners that may also be used in moderation include coconut palm sugar, date sugar, molasses, malted grain syrups, sorghum syrup. Please avoid all other imitation sweeteners, including Agave (way to processed and high in fructose to be good for you)-so make sure you do your homework before you buy.
There are plenty of sweet foods in nature and when you get yourself off the sugar addiction you will be amazed at how sweet fruit, vegetables and grains actually are. Sweeteners (natural) can be kept to a minimum and only used on holidays or special occasions.  According to Chinese medicine, long as we balance the sweet taste with the other four (sour, bitter, salty and pungent), we will maintain good health!

© Eeka King 2011 For Bayside Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Group B Streptococcus & a Chinese herbal Antibiotic

Written By Eeka King B.H.Sc (Acup)

A Case Study
A female patient, who I have been treating throughout her pregnancy, presents one week with a positive swab result for Group B streptococcal (GBS) Infection.
What is Group B Streptococcus?
Group B Streptococcus, commonly known as Strep B or GBS is a common bacterium that is found in the body. It is usually harmless in adults; however, can cause serious illness and sometimes death, especially in newborn infants, the elderly and patients with compromised immune systems. Up to 30% of women carry the bacterium in their vagina or rectum. Sometimes, a woman who has group B strep can infect her baby during delivery. This can sometimes cause serious illness in the newborn.
Group B strep is not the same as other types of streptococci bacteria, such as those that cause strep throat. Most often, group B strep causes no symptoms (asymptomatic) or problems in adults; however, it can still infect a newborn during birth. Pregnant women are routinely swabbed for strep B around the 36 week mark. This involves using cotton swabs to take samples from the vagina and anus. The samples are then sent to a laboratory. The results show whether you have group B strep (GBS) bacteria in your genital area. These test results cannot say whether or not your baby will become infected with group B strep.
Statistics show that about one of every 100-200 (0.5-1%) babies born to a GBS-colonized mother will develop GBS infection. If group B strep infects your baby, symptoms may take time to appear. Early-onset infection occurs within the first week of life, usually within a few hours of birth. Late-onset infections occur after the first week, usually within 90 days of birth. The baby may have infections in the blood, lungs, brain or spinal cord, or, more rarely, in a single, isolated spot such as a bone or joint. The infection will need prompt medical treatment. The mother may also become very ill from the infection after the delivery.
Treatment for group B strep
If a woman is at risk of group B strep infection, they will be given an antibiotic to help stop the infection. The antibiotic is given through an intravenous line during labour and delivery.
The availability of IV antibiotics has undoubtedly saved the lives of many babies. But, like many other obstetric life-savers, this intervention carries risks as well as potential benefits. The balance of risks and benefits will be different for each family, and as with any offer of medical treatment, it is up to the individual to decide whether to accept it.
In brief, the risks of antibiotics for GBS prophylaxis are:
  • IV antibiotics medicalise labour - mother is almost always restricted to hospital.
  • Mother may have an allergic reaction to antibiotics, up to and including anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. 1 in 10,000 women receiving antibiotics for GBS can be expected to go into anaphylactic shock, and 1 in 10 so affected will die (ref: RCOG paper on GBS).
  • Baby may become more at risk of infection from other, antibiotic-resistant organisms
Case Report
A 28 year old pregnant patient presents with a positive swap result for GBS. She is very upset by this news and her previous positive outlook on her impending labour was greatly diminished. She wanted a ‘natural labour’ and felt that an antibiotic drip would be invasive to the labour and would not be impacting positively on her health and for a healthy start of her baby’s life. She also felt that it was a big consideration for such a small (0.5- 1%) chance that she may infect her baby.
Other than the positive swab for GBS she was in excellent health and had experienced no pregnancy complications.
Is there a natural alternative to antibiotics in GBS infected women?
As a traditional Chinese medical practitioner I wondered if I would be able to help eradicate the Strep B infection before the onset of labour. In TCM, infection is considered to be heat or toxic heat invasion in the body. There is a formula in Chinese medical pharmacopeia that is also known as the ‘natural antibiotic’ and has been known to treat some inflammatory heat conditions.
From a Chinese medical perspective the patient did not present with a great deal of heat signs, she had no symptoms of having been infected with strep B and her pulse and tongue analysis indicated healthy pregnancy signs. The body is also generally slightly hotter and damper in pregnancy than normal.
I decided to try one of the Chinese Antibiotic formulas- Huang Lian Jie Du Tang. There has been no precedent for its use in GBS and it is not a formula that you would often prescribe in pregnancy. So with caution I prescribed a very small dose to be taken every day for the duration of one week. I asked the patient to schedule another swab test for GBS in one week’s time.
A few days after taking the Chinese herbal medicine the patient reported that her vaginal discharge had completely cleared up. She said that she had experienced more discharge recently; however, she had read in all pregnancy literature that it was normal to have a greater amount in pregnancy, so she didn’t think it was a symptom of imbalance. Due to this she had a very good feeling that the herbal medicine was eradicating the infection.
One week later the patient had another swab test for GBS and the results came back negative. The patient was ecstatic.
Chinese Herbal medicine may be an alternative to antibiotics for woman in pregnancy to eradicate Group B Streptococcal infection and its potential risk of illness in a newborn baby.

@ Written by Eeka King for Bayside Acupuncture Clinic

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tips to keep the Kidneys strong this Winter

During the winter months it is important to nurture and nourish our kidney Qi.  It is the time where this energy can be most easily depleted. Our bodies are instinctively expressing the fundamental principles of winter – rest, reflection, conservation and storage.  
In Chinese medicine, there are certain symptoms associated with the kidneys becoming weak, including:

·         bladder and kidney infections
·         low back pain
·         knee pain
·         cavities in teeth
·         weak or broken bones
·         infertility
·         premature gray hair or hair loss
·         ringing in the ears
·         increase of phobias or fears

Here is what you can do to keep your kidneys strong;

* SLEEP-ancient Chinese classics, advised people to go to sleep early and rise late in winter, after the sun's rays have warmed the atmosphere a bit. This preserves your own Yang Qi for the task of warming in the face of cold. More sleep, more rest, more nourishing food and less energy output!

*FOOD IS MEDICINE-warm hearty soups and bone broths, miso soup, whole grains such as Quinao (warms the kidney yang energy), kidney beans and black beans, spices such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger and roasted nuts help to warm the body’s core, the kidneys and help to keep us nourished. 

*KEEP WARM-The kidney meridian begins at the sole of your feet so warm feet means warm kidneys. Keeping the lower back warm and covered from the elements is also very important so that cold doesn’t penetrate the kidney organ itself. When it is windy make sure you wear a scarf around your neck to prevent getting colds and flu’s from invading through your protective (wei qi).

*ACUPUNCTURE FOR PREVENTION - Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can prevent colds and flu by building up the immune system with just a few needles inserted into key points along the body's energy pathways. These points are known for strengthening the outer defence layers of the skin and muscle (Wei Qi) so that germs and viruses cannot enter through them.

*ACUPUNCTURE FOR CURE - If you've already happened to catch that cold, acupuncture and herbal medicine can also help with the chills, sniffles, sore throat or fever in a safe, non-toxic way that doesn't 't bombard your body with harmful antibiotics.
*HERBAL MEDICINE An ancient Chinese herbal formula; the Jade Screen Formula is a powerful    complement to these immune-boosting treatments. It is made up of just three herbs: Radix Astragalus, Atractylodis Macrocephalae, and Radix Ledebouriellae. These three powerful herbs combine together to tonify the immune system, strengthen the digestive system (so that we can be sure to gain the nutrients from our food), and fortify the exterior of the body so that we can fight off wind-borne viruses and bacteria. If your immune is already strong other kidney tonifying formulas may be more beneficial such as Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Rehmannia 6) or Fu Gui Ba Wei Wan (Rehmannia 8)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Menopause- Easing the Transition through TCM

By Eeka Berghofer
Whether you are going through menopause right now, or if it is still many years away, knowing what happens physiologically and energetically in your body and having some knowledge of what you can do to help yourself through this transition with ease and grace is very beneficial.
Menopause doesn’t have to be a period explosive hot sweat baths, torrid emotional outbursts, decrepit disturbances and a foreboding sense of vanquished youth. Menopause signifies the true change of life from mother to enlightened and wise being. It can be the most fulfilling, creative and sexually satisfying phase of life.
What is Menopause?
‘Menopause’ indicates the complete or permanent cessation of menstruation. The average age is approximately 51 years. The phase in a woman’s life where she makes this transition from a reproductive stage to a non-reproductive stage is termed ‘climacteric’ and this phase normally spans from 2-5 years whereby discomfort and symptoms may be present. Symptoms vary from person to person and from mild to severe, and are brought on as our bodies try to adapt to decreasing amounts of oestrogen. Symptoms include hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, poor concentration, mood swings, depression, memory loss, vaginal dryness, headaches, increased urination, back pain and weight gain.
The primary basis for the progressive decline of reproductive power in woman is in the ovary itself, as ovarian follicles are greatly depleted by the time of menopause.  This decline starts from the moment of birth, so it is not an event that takes place suddenly but it is a gradual physiological process throughout her lifetime.  A woman’s lifestyle and dietary habits from childhood onwards affects this biological functioning and determines what kind of menopause she is going to have.
Menopause and Chinese Medicine
Menopause is a natural process that alters the balance of Yin and Yang in the body and the distribution of kidney essence or ‘jing’ (constitutional life-force energy). After menopause many women step into the more Yang (energetic, aggressive) side of themselves. As men grow older, they tend to discover their yin (passive, yielding) side. This also fits with the stereotypical image of the strict and disciplined grandmother and the soft push over grandfather!
Chinese Medicine considers menopause to be a time when a woman's body begins to preserve blood and energy in order to sustain her vitality and longevity and allow for the maximum available nourishment for her body, especially her kidneys. The kidney is the organ Chinese Medicine sees as the root of life and longevity. Therefore, the body, in its wisdom, reserves the flow of the energy in the channel that sends blood and energy down to the uterus. Instead, blood and essence from the kidneys are conserved and cycled through the body to nourish the woman's spirit and extend her longevity! Thus, in the Chinese Medicine, menopause is seen as true change in life from ‘mother’ to enlightened and wise being.
TCM considers all menopausal symptoms to be signs of unbalanced health. The biggest factors in determining your comfort through this time will be the dietary and emotional health you have maintained throughout your adulthood and the pre-existing state of the kidney energy. Emotional stress, overwork, poor diet, too many children too close together, or having an active sexual life at too early an age, all contribute to depleting the kidneys. However, even though it may be too late to turn back the clock, Acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas can eliminate your discomfort and restore internal balance.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Menopause
From a Western viewpoint, menopausal problems are almost exclusively related to oestrogen deficiency and the ‘cure’ is therefore the administration of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There is much debate over HRT, which is routinely prescribed when the first symptoms of menopause appear. While they may alleviate hot flashes and allegedly prevent osteoporosis and heart disease, they will also increase the risk of breast, ovarian, endometrial and uterine cancer, and have a number of significant side-effects. But HRT isn't the only solution.
Menopause is an area in which Chinese Medicine shines. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have the ability to detect energetic changes that occur in the body and quickly relieve symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, and irritability.
Chinese medicine acknowledges that ‘climacteric syndrome’ is fundamentally due to a decline of kidney essence reserves which can take the form of Kidney- Yin, Kidney- Yang or combined Kidney-Yin and Kidney-Yang deficiency. A combined deficiency of yin and yang is the most common; however, one usually more predominates over the other.  Your Chinese medical practitioner will analyse your signs and symptoms, check your pulse and tongue to determine the best course of treatment and to ascertain if there are any other patterns of disharmony that need to be addressed.
Chinese medicine with its gentle and steady tonification of the Kidney-Essence without side-effect, can offer a safe, effective and logical alternative to HRT, even though its effect will never be as rapid as HRT. Bear in mind, the two may be combined because HRT and Chinese medicine work in different ways. HRT works by ‘tricking’ the body into thinking that it is still ovulating, but it does not tonify the kidneys. Chinese herbs and acupuncture boost the kidney essence to help a woman transition through this time of life.
Dietary and Lifestyle advice
*Decrease sugar and all refined, processed foods
* Increase Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vit E, Vit B3, C, CoEQ10, fish oils and phyto-oestrogens.
*Avoid alcohol, smoking and stress
*Increase exercise and lose excess weight
*Get adequate rest and relaxation
*Calm the mind and settle the emotions- try yoga, meditation, tai chi and qi gong
*receive regular massages
*boost and balance your energy with acupuncture and herbal medicine

A Program for Defeating Candida

Written By Eeka King B.H.Sc (Acup)

Candida is the short name used to describe yeast overgrowth in the body. The technical term is Candidiasis. Candida is a yeast that is a single cell fungi that belongs to the vegetable kingdom. One family “Candida Albicans” is a fungus that is normally present on the skin and in mucous membranes such as the vagina, mouth, or rectum. The fungus also can travel through the blood stream and affect the throat, intestines, and heart valves. It is one of the billions of other friendly organisms that serve a useful purpose in the body. One of its important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria.
Candida is not intended to overgrow and get out of control while the body is alive. This is only intended to happen when the body dies, when its function and characteristics change in order to break down the body. When Candida Albicans is under control it poses no problem, but when it gets out of control (when there is some change in the body environment such as immune-suppression )  it begins to overgrow causing numerous symptoms and health problems from the top of the head to the tips of the toes, from migraines to nail fungus. It can result in symptoms inside (pain and malfunction of organs, even brain lesions) and outside (eczema and hives). It can also cause problems with the mind and emotions.
Common causes of Candida overgrowth includes:
·         Poor Diet
·         Depressed immune system
·         Antibiotics
·         Environmental Issues
·         Drugs and vaccines
·         Corticosteroids
·         Contraceptive pill
·         Stress
Some of the symptoms of Candida overgrowth include:
·         Chronic fatigue
·         Decreased libido
·         Thrush
·         Bloating/gas/intestinal cramping
·         Rectal itching/altered bowel function
·         Bladder infections
·         Menstrual complaints
·         Depression/irritability/inability to concentrate/mood disorders
·         Allergies or food intolerances/chemical sensitivities/low immune function
The list goes on………….
Successful treatment of chronic Candida overgrowth requires correct dietary choices over the long term and a strict dietary program over the short term. It also requires persistence on your behalf. Herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation and acupuncture can greatly aid treatment and prevent recurrence. At Bayside Acupuncture we have put together a program to support you to overcome candida overgrowth. Once you have eliminated the foods from your diet that feed candida, we can help you herbally and energetically build your immune system, accelerate the eradication and clearance of the yeast out of your body with specialty products and help to plant the good bacteria back in your digestive tract with probiotics and some great recipes.
There is also a Print out sheet with all the foods you are able to enjoy on the Candida cleanse!
Pop it on your fridge.

The Candida Control Program (adapted from Bee Wilder)
In order to get Candida overgrowth under control four things need to be done simultaneously:
1.       Eliminate foods that feed Candida
2.       Build up the immune system
3.       Kill off Candida overgrowth
4.       Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract

Step 1 Eliminate foods that feed Candida
·         Sugar of all kinds, including fruit and dairy (except butter).
·         Foods high in carbohydrates.
·         All grains, nuts, seeds and legumes
Candida overgrowth is mainly fuelled by:
  • sugar
  • refined carbohydrates
  • gluten grains

Candida’s main food supply is sugar and all forms of it such as lactose contained in dairy products (except butter), honey, maple syrup, molasses, glucose, fructose, lactose, and sugar substitutes, i.e. NutraSweet, aspartame, saccharin, etc. – see list below. Eliminating sugar is the most important part of the Candida Program.
Names for Sugar and Sweeteners
Aspartame, carob powder, corn starch, crystalline carbohydrate dextrin, dextrose, disaccharides, galactose, glucose, levulose, malts of any kind, maltitol, maltodextrin, maltose (malt sugar), manitol, mannitol, mono-saccharides, sucrose, Nutrasweet, polydextrose, polysaccharides, ribose, saccharin, sorghum, suamiel, succanat, xylitol.
BEWARE- avoid all processed and packaged foods, sauces, condiments etc as sugar is in everything!
All fruits, except lemons and limes, are also very high in sugar (fructose) and should not be eaten until you have cured your candida. Some vegetables that are also high in sugar must also be eliminated, i.e. carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, parsnips, beets and others. Even though lemons and limes are allowed on the candida diet, providing many health benefits, they should not be consumed in large amounts because they contain fructose, which will feed candida.
*Eliminate foods high in carbohydrates
Candida also feeds on high carbohydrate foods such as starches and grains, i.e. breads, pasta, pizza, cereals, baked goods, and potatoes. Vegetables high in carbohydrates include beans, beets, squash, zucchini, corn, peas, parsnips and carrots. All carbohydrates eaten turn into glucose (blood sugar), but only 58% of the protein and about 10% of the fat eaten are converted to glucose. After being off all sugar and grains for a few days you will find your craving for both of them will decrease. A high-complex-carbohydrate diet is nothing more than a high-glucose diet or a high-sugar diet, albeit a little harder to digest.
These are all good reasons why Candida sufferers must eliminate starches and grains, and some high carb vegetables.
*Eliminate all grains, seeds, nuts and legumes*
*Note: Legumes (French) are plants with seed pods, i.e. beans and peas, but not green, yellow or string beans.
All grains feed Candida because they have a high glycemic index just like sugar, and like sugar they feed Candida and create insulin resistance within the cells.
Also, some grains contain gluten, which is an elastic gluey protein found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, triticale, and it is hidden in an endless variety of processed foods.
Grains that are safer to consume are more seed-like than grain-like, and they do not contain gluten. These grains include amaranth, buckwheat, millet and quinoa. Brown rice is also a safe grain. However, these grains are high in carbs, like all other grains, which feeds candida. They should not be consumed until you’ve progressed far enough on the candida program so your body can handle them. Some people who are losing weight too rapidly might have to eat small amounts of safe grains to stop their weight loss, but even then they should only consume a maximum of 1/4 cup per day.
Even when it is safe for you to consume grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, they must all be properly prepared in order to make them fit to eat. This is because they all contain phytic acid which combines with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract and blocks their absorption. This is why a diet high in such foods may lead to serious mineral deficiencies, bone loss and other related diseases, including Parkinson’s, and erratic unstable heart beats. Also improperly processed grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, bran, etc. can cause irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, and many other adverse affects.
Proper preparing involves soaking which allows enzymes, lactobacilli and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid and their protein blocking enzymes. Therefore all grains must be properly soaked, spouted or leavened (fermented) with sour dough, to make them fit for anyone to eat, and all nuts, seeds, and legumes must be soaked in an acidic medium or salt.

Step 2 Build up the immune system
Building up the immune system requires:
  • Eating the right foods-What Can I eat?!?
  • Taking essential supplements
  • Avoiding yeast, mold and fungus

Some guidelines to the right food choices:
The “Candida Control Diet” is a high protein and high fat diet (good saturated fats and oils), and a diet low in carbohydrates, sugars, grains or processed foods. All foods must be as fresh and natural as possible, and free of additives, pesticides, heavy metals and irradiation.
Meats and fats should be from organic grass-fed free-range animals and from good oils such as coconut, palm and fish. Fish should be from non-farmed sources and as free of mercury and other pollutants as possible. Vegetables should be from reliable certified organic sources.
The best protein sources are meats that aren’t mass-produced, such as lamb, buffalo, bison, ostrich, venison or other wild game, or naturally-raised meat including poultry, eggs, beef, and pork.
Good Fats & Oils - Good fats and oils are equally important to protein in the diet and they are essential to getting Candida under control. They not only increase the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the foods eaten but also provide the most efficient source of energy. They also provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances.
The more appropriate kind of fat for health is saturated fat, in spite of what we’ve been led to believe, which plays many important roles in body chemistry. But saturated fats have been given a bad name by the oil and food manufacturing industry with the sole purpose of selling their products. This is also true for drug companies who perpetuate the cholesterol myth and low-fat diets in order to sell drugs.
The truth is, natural fats and oils have components found only in them, which are health-promoting, and the newfangled trans-fats are now known to be disease-causing. These health-giving saturated fats are stable and do not become rancid easily and they do not draw upon the body’s reserves of antioxidants nor do they initiate cancer or irritate the artery walls.
Healthy saturated fats are an important part of any healthy meal. It draws nutrients out of foods and slows digestion so that natural enzymes and the assimilation process can take place. Healthy saturated fats include butter, tallow, lard, and fish, palm and coconut oils.
Carbohydrates - Low carbohydrate consumption is an important aspect of the Candida Control Diet since high carbohydrate foods feed the Candida. Carbohydrate foods are any foods that are not protein or fat, including all vegetables, grains and fruits. Since grains and most fruit, except lemons, are eliminated on the Candida Control Diet this leaves a wide variety of vegetables that are healthy to consume. Vegetables with the lowest carbohydrate index are green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, spinach, asparagus, celery, peppers, kale, mustard greens, and Chinese cabbage. Some vegetables also inhibit the growth of Candida such as raw garlic, onions, horseradish, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and kale.
Lacto-Fermented Vegetables
The best way to eat plant foods is by lacto-fermenting them, i.e. sauerkraut, kimchi, etc. Lacto-fermentation means the friendly bacteria of the microscopic world do some digesting, but in a container. Lacto-fermented vegetables are pre-digested which makes them much easier for humans to digest than raw or cooked vegetables. Lacto-fermented vegetables also stabilize stomach acid in the stomach, meaning that if acid is too high they will lower it, and if acid is too low they will raise it. It is recommended that you eat at least one tablespoon of lacto-fermented vegetables with every meal. Buy unpasteurized organic sauerkraut from the health food store or make your own.

Taking essential supplements
Candida sufferers need to build up their immune system by supplementing with certain essential vitamins and minerals, which are yeast-free and sugar-free, including:
·         Calcium/Magnesium, 800-1,200 mgs. of calcium with an equal ratio of magnesium.
·         Organic  Supergreens (Chlorella, Barley, Spirulina & Wheatgrass ) supplement
·         Vitamin B Complex (non-yeast), 50 mgs. twice a day
·         Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mgs. twice a day
·         Vitamin D (with vitamin A) - take 1 teaspoon per 50 lbs. of body weight per day Or a high quality cod liver oil or fish oil
·         Vitamin E, containing natural alpha tocopherol, (d-alpha tocopherol is synthetic), that is not from a soy source, 400 IU twice a day.
Avoiding yeast, mold and fungus
Elimination of yeast, mold and fungus in foods and the environment may be indicated for a number of Candida sufferers. Candida overgrowth can greatly increase the chances of an immune reaction to all types and forms of fungi. This results in an allergic response to yeast, mold and fungus, including mycotoxins. Many of our foods contain mycotoxins that are chemicals made by fungi.
Mycotoxins are found in grains and other processed foods that have been contaminated with fungi and mold, including processed meats. The most commonly contaminated crops are peanuts, corn, and wheat. Often, other foods such as barley, apples, sorghum and rye can also be contaminated. Antibiotics and alcohol are also mycotoxins.
Other yeasty foods and sources of fungi that must be avoided are:
·         Leftover foods
·         Vinegar and vinegar containing foods like mayonnaise, pickles, soy sauce, mustard and relishes
·         Edible fungi: including all types of mushrooms and truffles
·         Most commercial soups
·         Processed and smoked meats: sausages, hot dogs, corned beef, pastrami, smoked fish, ham, bacon
·         Fruit juices: all packaged fruit juices may potentially contain molds
·         Dried fruits: raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, dates, etc.
·         Pickled foods and most cheeses (moldy cheeses like Stilton are the worst), buttermilk, sour cream and sour milk products, including yogurt
·         Dry roasted nuts
·         Environmental molds can also adversely affect Candida sufferers and the only way to minimize exposure is to remove as much as possible from your home. Molds are simple, microscopic organisms, like Candida Albicans, whose purpose in the ecosystem is to break down dead materials, and they are everywhere.

Step 3 Kill off Candida overgrowth
There are many anti-fungal agents that kill off Candida overgrowth, including:
·         foods such as garlic
·         herbs such as olive leaf extract
·         chinese herbal medicine (prescribed individually for your condition)
·         Kandi-plex and Parex and/or anti-fungal medications
Garlic- Adding fresh garlic to food (raw and crushed), or crushing and swallowing raw clove is a cheap and powerful anti-fungal treatment. Garlic also stimulates the immune system, improves circulation, lowers high blood pressure, kills intestinal parasites, and is a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic, in addition to many other health benefits.
To obtain the most benefit from garlic buy certified organic garlic and crush it. Crushing breaks the cell walls releasing garlic’s beneficial properties. To kill off Candida overgrowth take 4-5 average sized cloves per day mixed in foods or with meals. Another alternative is to drink 3-4 cups of garlic tea per day.
Olive Leaf Extract - Olive leaf extract can kill invading fungus rather than just inhibiting its growth. It contains a a phenolic compound called oleuropein, which has antiviral, anti-fungal, antiprotozoal, and antibacterial properties. Take as directed on the product label.
Nystatin - Nystatin is a broad spectrum fungicidal (kills fungus) drug available only by prescription in some countries. It is fast acting and well tolerated. It is easier to take than Caprylic Acid at the beginning of the Candida Control Program because it is not absorbed to any significant degree (Caprylic Acid penetrates the walls of the intestines), and therefore it is wonderful at attacking intestinal yeast. It is virtually free of side effects and drug interactions and is safe to take during pregnancy and while breast feeding. It comes as a cream for topical use, suspension (liquid) and tablets, but powder can be used both externally and internally. The suspension form is usually prescribed in amounts of 2 ml 2-4 times per day for infants and children. The tablets are prescribed in the amount of 2-3 tablets 2-4 times per day for older children and adults. Enemas with Nystatin are also beneficial.
Parex- prescribed to some individuals at Bayside Acupuncture, Parex is a herbal formula specifically designed to assist in managing dysbiosis and helping to rid the body of intestinal worms and parasites. Parex contains extracts from traditional bitter, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antihelmintic herbs such as black walnut, Chinese wormwood, barberry and gentian, as well as powerful antimicrobial essential oils. The potent herbs in this formulation help remove gastrointestinal organisms that may contribute to gut inflammation and increased intestinal permeability. They may also assist in the maintenance of healthy digestive function and reduce the risk of further infestation. Parex is the ideal supplement for the initial stage of a detoxification program.
Kandi-Plex-A herbal formula especially designed to kill Candida is available at the clinic.

Step 4 Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract
As the yeast overgrowth is being killed off by anti-fungal agents it is important to ingest a constant supply of probiotics. These are the ‘friendly’ or ‘beneficial’ bacteria, or micro organisms, that live in the digestive tract. As yeast colonies are reduced space becomes available for colonizing the other healthy bacteria. A ‘practitioner range only’ probiotic is recommended.

The Healing Crises
The Healing Crisis is an acute reaction that is the result of the activity of nature’s healing forces in overcoming chronic disease conditions. It is brought about when the body becomes overcrowded by wastes and toxins. Cells and tissues begin to throw off the waste and carry it from the bloodstream to various eliminating organs. When high numbers of candida are being killed off, any symptoms experienced while candida was out of control may intensify. This is different person to person, depending upon areas of their body that were most affected by candida overgrowth. Women who have had vaginal yeast infection will find these symptoms will become more intense and they may change as well. If someone has experienced a lot of digestive problems, their digestive upsets and disturbances will increase. If someone had a lot of head-related symptoms, their symptoms will become worse. And so on. Symptoms will get worse before they get better. Eventually your good days will increase and your bad days will decrease. Natural healing takes time, patience and persistence on your healing program.
Handling die-off symptoms
Die-off symptoms are caused by high numbers of yeast being killed off which releases a high number toxins into the system. In medical terms this is called the Herxheimer’s reaction, or yeast die-off phenomenon.
Die-off symptoms resemble the flu and can be very uncomfortable. They can be alleviated by:
·         Taking 1,000 mgs of Vitamin C (preferably in powdered form in pure water) several times a day or whenever needed.
·         Taking an Epsom salts bath also draws toxins out through the skin and helps minimized die-off symptoms (add two cups, or 500 grams, of Epsom salts to warm bath water).
·         Often taking more Nystatin or Kandi-Plex, instead of less, will help alleviate symptoms.
Herring’s Law of cure and retracing
Knowing hering’s law of cure can help you to continue to overcome your candida; it is very important to understand the difference between a disease crises and those of a healing crises.
Hering’s law of cure states; “All cure starts from the head down, from within out, and in reverse order that the symptoms appeared throughout the person’s life”
This is nature’s way of righting some internal wrong; it is also known as retracing.
How long do I need to do the Candida control program for?
Most candida programs ask that you avoid sugar in all of its forms for at least 1 month to successfully kill off the yeast. It does vary from person to person and the rule of one month of healing for every year of the onset of symptoms can also apply. Hopefully after being on this diet for awhile some of these food choices and preparation practices will remain with you, as these are very good tips for achieving long term robust health. When your symptoms have disappeared you can add back natural sugars to your diet; Fruit, Honey, Maple syrup and properly prepared grains, nuts and legumes, yoghurt, kefir etc. Always be gentle with your body and slowly making changes to your diet is also important. If you have a big sugar addiction it may be beneficial to first remove this evil drug out of your diet for sometime before you go on to removing ‘natural’ sugars from fruits and grains.
Anyway, Good Luck!!!!

© Eeka King for Bayside Acupuncture Clinic 0266 851088
Remember, we are always here to answer any questions you have x